SJHS Blog 5/22/17 - 5/26/17


Wind-Up News:
Last issue of the Wind-Up and the all-school literary magazine on sale this week!
Please consider purchasing the LAST issue of the Wind-Up, on sale this Thursday, May 25. It's a keepsake for seniors! There are tributes and shout-outs to seniors as well as the inclusion of the annual, school-wide literary magazine, a 60-page issue called Evoke, which contains art, writing, and projects from many content areas. The cost for the May issue/literary magazine combo is $2. Contact Mrs. Joyce Hunter to place your order:

Dept. Awards:
Senior Shreeja Shrestha and Freshman Nikki Chapman earn National writing award.
The SJHS English Department is honored to announce that Shreeja and Nikki have earned National Silver Medals in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of 2017.
These students have been identified by panels of creative professionals as the most talented young artists and writers in the nation. This year, more than 330,000 works of art and writing were submitted. Only the top 1% were recognized at the national level.

Written in AP Literature, Shreeja's piece is a personal narrative reflection, which compares her life in Nepal with a situation in The Kite Runner.  Nikki's piece is a vignette as part of a House on Mango Street writing project in Honors English 9.

Juniors Hannah Moore and Lyndsay White win 2017 Achievement Award in Writing 
Hannah and Lyndsay have earned a Certificate of Nomination for the 2017 Achievement Award in Writing, given by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Achievement Awards in Writing is a school-based writing program established in 1957 to encourage high school students in their writing and to recognize some of the best student writers in the nation. NCTE recognizes students cited as excellent writers by their schools and the program’s judges. Only students who are juniors may be nominated. Schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada, as well as American schools abroad and the Virgin Islands, are eligible to nominate students for the writing program. This year, 517 students were nominated. Of that number, 106 received Certificates of Recognition and 411 received Certificates of Nomination. Each student submitted two pieces of writing, which were read by two judges. Papers were judged on content, purpose, audience, tone, word choice, organization, development, and style. For more information about the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing, including past winners, see

Fall Sports Program: Photo’s Needed…
We are looking for candid pictures from last fall's sports (football, cheer, cross county, women's swim, women's golf, men's soccer, volleyball, men's tennis) to possibly include in the 2017 Fall Sports Program, which will be sold at home Varsity football games this fall.

Thank you! Fall Sports Program Committee, BOP

Guidance Office News:  Seniors
1.    In order to enroll in your college in the fall, you MUST request your FINAL high school transcript be sent to the college via by June 1.

Select your college then the "HOLD FOR GRADES" option
(see link below for detailed instructions).

2.    In addition, if you have LMC Dual Credit courses to transfer to your college, you must request your transcript be sent from Lake Michigan College to your final college. 

Lunch Accounts:
Seniors need to have lunch bills paid up by May 26th.  All fines and fees must be taken care of prior to graduation for all Seniors so that diplomas can be distributed.

For 9th, 10th and 11th Graders there will be no charging for lunch/breakfast on June 5th or 6th

Demrhy Youngquist
Food Service Director, St. Joseph Public Schools

Seniors Visit Mr. Leonard’s Class at Upton:

Soccer Camp Info:
Dear Parents/Guardians, 
If your daughter/son is interested in a summer soccer camp, please click here for more information:
Thanks, Coach Brown
St. Joseph Volleyball Summer Camp 2017
JUNE 12-16 (Monday-Friday)
Cost: $40

Check which session you would like to register for: (choose grade entering in the Fall)
______High School:        9th Grade through 12th Grade:       8:30-10:00 a.m.
______Elementary:         Kindergarten through 5th grade Camp: 10:15-11:15a.m.
______Middle School:     6th, 7th, 8th Grade Camp:  11:30-1:00p.m

Athlete’s Name_________________________________________________________________
Grade Next Fall: ________________ School: _______________________________________
Phone: ______________________            Emergency Contact: _____________________________
*I hereby give my student permission to take part in the SJHS Summer 2017 Volleyball Camp. I will not hold the sponsor of the Camp nor St. Joseph Public Schools liable for any injury that might occur and have adequate hospitalization insurance to cover such injuries. I will be responsible for any injuries and medical emergency that may occur to my child at this camp.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size:
􏱆 Youth Medium
􏱆 Youth Large
􏱆 Adult Small
􏱆 Adult Medium
􏱆 Adult Large
􏱆 Adult X-Large
Please pre-register by May 30th to ensure getting a T-shirt. Please return your registration form and make check payable:  ST JOSEPH PUBLIC SCHOOLS mail to:               
·       2521 STADIUM DRIVE
·       ST. JOSEPH, MI 49085

Athletic News:
9:00 JV Golf vs. PC/PN/Lakeshore
4:30 9th BB vs. Bridgman
5:00 JV Soccer vs. Lakeshore

4:00 VAR BB/SB vs. Portage Central
4:00 JV BB/SB @ Portage Central

3:30 VAR Golf @ South Haven Invite
6:00 VAR Soccer vs. Edwardsburg

4:00 VAR BB/SB vs. Paw Paw
4:00 JV BB/SB @ Paw Paw


9:00 VAR BB @ Parma Western Wooden Bat Tournament

Upcoming Events:
·      5/24 – 1 Hr. Late Start
·      5/24 – SJHS Band Spring Concert and Awards Night – 7pm – SJHS Auditorium
·      5/24 – Performing Arts Hall of Fame Induction – 7pm – SJHS Auditorium
·      5/25 – SJHS Orchestra Spring Concert and Awards – 7pm – SJHS Auditorium
·      5/26 – Last Day for Seniors

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