St. Joseph High School News 3/6/23 - 3/10/23
St. Joseph High School News
3/6/23 - 3/10/23
BEARTime with Mrs. Berry:
It has been an exciting 2 weeks for this group of SJHS students who chose to learn how to tap maple trees and
make syrup from the sap during their Maize Day Thursdays. Mr. John Phillips, BRESA Education Technology
Consultant and maple syrup expert, came to help Mrs. Berry and the group tap 3 trees on school grounds near
the softball field. The students collected the sap daily and began the boiling process this week. Then this past
Bear Time the group made pancakes and tried their first batch of syrup. What a way to integrate science, math,
tech, and culinary! The best experiments are the ones we can eat! A huge thanks to the SJPS Foundation for
supporting this project with grant funds and to senior, Nathan Brooks, for coming to school early each day and
getting the boiling process started. GO BEARS!
Average Joe’s Update: Robotics
Please check out this link for our St. Joe Robotics digital magazine - The Average Report!
At some point you have supported the St. Joe Robotics (SJR) program, which is why we want
to keep you informed on what's happening in and around SJR! Whether as a sponsor, SJPS
employee, or just donating your time - we want to extend our sincerest thanks! We couldn't do
this without you.
A little bit about The Average Report:
This magazine started as an internal communication about the program to St. Joseph Public
Schools. When talking to our Average Joes (St. Joe Robotics' High School FRC team), they
indicated a desire for it to be student made for all our supporters.
If you have any feedback I can pass along to our Publications subteam, please let me know!
Students love to hear from you.
Check out previous months reports here.
Thanks again for your support!
Morgan Brunsting
Average Joes Business Coach
SJPS Robotics Coordinator
Testing Week and Sr. Career Day:
2023 Save the Dates for testing & Career Day:
Wednesday, April 12th - NO LATE START DAY!
Career Day (Seniors)
SAT (Juniors)
PSAT (Fresh & Soph)
Thursday, April 13th
ACT WorkKeys (Juniors only)
Normal School day - all other grades
Friday, April 14th
MSTEP; science & social studies (Juniors only)
Normal School day - all other grades
In Adrian at the Powerlifting State Finals, both Riley Biggins and Cole Lakin set personal bests for their
lifts on the day.
Cole Lakin took 11th overall in the 194 weight class.
Riley Biggins took 8th overall in the 220 weight class.
Thanks Coach Jager!
SJHS Track and Field Fundraiser:
Athletic Training Class:
The Athletic Training & Sports Medicine class has been busy the past month! They have earned many
certifications and hands-on training from local health professionals.
February 10th and 15th - students earned their CPR certifications from American Heart Association.
Training involved hands on chest compressions, rescue breaths, AED use, and choking for adult, child
and infant rescuing.
March 1st and 2nd - students earned their Stop The Bleed certification sponsored by the Corewell
Health Lakeland Trauma Program; learning how to assess a scene for safety and find sources of
bleeding on a victim, then applying direct pressure or tourniquet use if necessary.
March 3rd - Corewell Health Lakeland Internal Medicine Residents presented a lecture about their
journey into medical school and their current residencies. The residents even demonstrated to students
how to intubate a patient, and a few brave students came up and tried the technique as well!
Mrs. Hall
7:00 Boys Basketball District game @ Portage Northern
5:30 Boys Basketball District Semi Finals @ Loy Norrix
12:00 Boys Swim @ MHSAA State Finals
7:00 Boys Basketball District Championship @ Loy Norrix
12:00 Boys Swim @ MHSAA State Finals
Upcoming Events:
3/8 - Wed. - 1 Hr. Late Start
3/12 - Sunday - Daylight Savings