St. Joseph High School News - 11/23/20 - 11/27/20

St. Joseph High School News

11/23/20 - 11/27/20

Happy Thanksgiving! 

This is shaping up to be a Thanksgiving Holiday like never before.  I hope you still get the opportunity

to enjoy your favorite Thanksgiving foods over the next few days.  I am encouraged by the news and

optimistic that we will have a vaccine in the near future and we will be able to get back to “normal”

soon.  Enjoy the time away and stay safe!

Mr. Blomgren 

Upcoming Remote Schedule: 11/30 - 12/4

Chromebook - Optional Insurance

Please use the following link if you would like to learn more about the optional insurance option the HS



Meals and Food For Students During Remote Learning: 

Meal pick up is on Monday evenings from 5-6pm for the students that are remote. 

Meal pick up is in the back of the HS off of Lakeview.   Please email Demrhy Youngquist

( to reserve their meal packages.  

Key Club News: 

Key Club has had a busy couple of weeks!  Also, students can still join Key Club this year - they just

need to bring $15 dues and complete an application.  These should be brought to Peyton Wells

(president) or Mrs. Berry's room.  Applications can be found on the QR codes on posters throughout


Thursday, November 12, Key Club members raked leaves for senior citizens in Berrien County through

the United Way's "Rake a Difference" Day.

On that same day, Key Club hosted a blood drive at Versiti across the street from the high school.  The

drive collected 13 pints - just 4 shy of our goal.  A big thanks to our sponsoring club, Kiwanis, as several

of their members donated too!

Our club president, Peyton Wells, also came up with the idea to make cards for Veteran's Day.  The club

made the cards and they were distributed by the Women's Service League. Lastly, our club made history

when it participated in the first VIRTUAL Service and Leadership Conference in the history of Key

Club International!  The Fall Rally was held through Zoom on Saturday, November 14.  SJHS District

Board members, Hannah Bogner and Katie Hokanson, helped plan and execute the break-out sessions

and opening and closing ceremonies.  Clubs from all over the state of MI attended to share service

ideas, discuss best practice for creating leaders during covid times, and how best to stay connected as a


Media Center Updates:

BookHub Update 

You may continue to request library books from the media center during remote learning!  Simply

search Destiny Discover for books and use the SJHS BookHub to place your requests.  We will hold a

drive through pick-up time on November 30th (details below). To secure your library book request(s),

please submit the form by Sunday, 11/29.  For help with the form, see the BookHub Screencast.  If you

have questions, please email Mrs. Culver at  Happy Reading and Go Bears!


Library Book Pick-Up Time

Monday, November 30

1:00-3:00 @ SJHS front entrance


Holiday Send Off—Get a free book!

Would you like a FREE book? SJHS has partnered with the SJPS Foundation and Forever Books to

offer you another free book to read and keep!  Peruse the Holiday Send Off Book List and submit your

request using the SJHS Holiday Send Off Selection Form.  To get your free book, please submit the

form by 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 29th.  If you have questions, please email Mrs. Culver at  Many thanks to the SJPS Foundation and Forever Books! 

Seniors: Graduation Cap and Gown Orders

Seniors: A reminder that it is time to order your cap and gown & senior gear.

You can order online at or by mailing your order form to Jostens.

If you need an information packet, students can pick one up in the Guidance office.

Make sure to place your order by Tuesday, November 24th to ensure there are no

delays with your products.


Class Rings: Sophomores


A reminder that it is time to order your custom St. Joe High School class ring. You can

order online at or by mailing your order form to Jostens. If you need an

information packet, students can pick one up at lunch or extras in the Guidance office.

Make sure to place your order by Tuesday, November 24th to receive the

FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE promotion and $20.00 off.

Lake Michigan College - Seniors

Parents of seniors:

If Lake Michigan College is a college choice your student may be considering, the priority deadline for

scholarship consideration is December 1. By completing the scholarship application, you are not

committing, but to be considered for a scholarship in the event that you do attend LMC, please don't

miss this deadline. The link for the application:


Get help completing your LMC scholarship application:

Elaina Paulson, our LMLC rep, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Lake Michigan College Scholarship Workshop

Time: Nov 30, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 954 5339 3901

Passcode: redhawks


What is College Really Like: 

You are Invited:

What is college really like? A virtual panel discussion with current college students (who are

St Joe alum.) 


Get the real scoop from current college students and recent college graduates - and have an

opportunity to ask questions!


We have a wide array of backgrounds and experiences: students from private and public

institutions, community college, apprenticeship, military academy, medical school,

engineering, art, music, college athletics and more! 

Monday, December 7 from 2-3 p.m.


Google meet link - join panel here



Chromebooks have arrived and are available and ready to go.  Now that we are going remote if a student

has not picked up their chromebook yet and would like to do so, we would like to allow students to come

in and pick them up by appointment only.  Please email Mrs. Edlefson at to

arrange a pick up time.  

Chromebook - Optional Insurance

Please use the following link if you would like to learn more about the optional insurance option the HS



St. Joseph Virtual School Update: Mr. Pratley

I hope this email finds you and your family healthy and doing well.  I want to shed some light on a few

things as we approach the end of the calendar year.  


As you have discovered, virtual school differs in many ways from traditional face to face instruction.

One of the most obvious is pacing. The flexibility of the virtual course allows you to work at your own

pace, choosing to do more or less each day or week.  Virtual schools use the pacing system to give

you a rough idea of where you should be at any given time.  The computer doesn’t differentiate

between a Monday or a Saturday, September 25th or December 25th, it just knows the start date, end

date and the number of lessons in the class. 


With that being said we do realize that many classes didn’t get started on time and some were without

teachers for a while.  We also know that many feel as though the breaks are not really there.  I want

you to know that we want EVERYONE to have breaks!  


So, for that reason, over the next few weeks we will be going course by course to eliminate some

lessons and activities from each class.  This will allow your student what is the equivalency of time

missed and allow for them to enjoy a much needed break.  While this will help many students we do

know some are further behind than others and students may still need to work hard to complete

courses between now and January 29th.   If you would like to continue with all content and not have

anything reduced, you may choose that option as well, you simply need to email me and we will not

reduce the lessons.  No need to email me if you want the reduction as that is the status quo.   This

process will take a while so please be patient as we work class by class to make this necessary



We wanted to also let you know that for middle school students they will only be taking exams for

classes they are earning high school credits in ie Algebra 1.  The rest of the exams will be removed to

match the same thing we do at Upton.  


We are also going to be adding a Credit/No Credit option so that families can choose that rather than

taking a grade in a course due to so many struggles with the program.  


We will continue to evaluate and work through issues as best that we can. 


Thank you again for your patience and understanding as well as your partnership as we venture

through these uncharted waters in the first year of the program.  Stay safe and have a great

Thanksgiving next week. 


Andrew Pratley


Athletic News: 

No updates from the MHSAA at this point.



Upcoming Events: 

11/25 - 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break 

11/30 - Monday - Remote Learning Schedule Resumes 

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