St. Joseph High School News 11/16/20 - 11/20/20

St. Joseph High School News

11/16/20 - 11/20/20

Remote Learning: 11/18 - 12/8

Per the guidance of the Michigan Department of Health and Governor Whitmer, we have been ordered

to move into remote learning from 11/18 - 12/8.  While we understand this is not the ideal format for

learning, we believe we are in a much better position to conduct this type of instruction for our high

school students.  We learned a lot this past spring, have prepared intentionally over the summer and fall

for this time, and our teachers are up for the challenge.  We are expecting to have great attendance and

participation from our students over the next three weeks as our teachers continue to push forward with

instruction and content! Google classroom will serve as the primary resource for teacher/student

communications.  More information is included in the blog below regarding remote learning and the

next 3 weeks.  If you need any additional information or help with digital learning and technology, I

would encourage you to click on the blog topic below, “Remote Learning Digital Support: Remote

Learning”.  Fingers crossed we will be back face to face on Dec. 9th.  As always, if  you have any

questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Mr. Blomgren


Remote Learning Schedule: 

  • 11/30 - 12/4 and beyond if needed - please see the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet shared above for this schedule.  

Remote Learning Digital Support: Remote Learning

Digital Support Site for students and parents.

Please use the following link:

CTE Students During Remote Learning: 

Dear parents and CTE students:


During Remote Learning, we realize that our CTE students may face scheduling conflicts with

SJHS classes as well as off-campus CTE classes.  For example, a student might be expected to

attend the Berrien Springs CTE Firefighting class remotely, while also being expected to attend

a SJHS English 11 class remotely at the same exact time.


When these conflicts occur, please follow the procedures below:


1.  CTE students will need to email their SJHS teacher(s) and let them know that there is conflict

with a CTE class.


2.  CTE students must view the SJHS recorded class session on the same day (after the CTE

class) and complete all SJHS expectations.


3.  Parents of CTE students will need to email or call Mrs. Uzelac in the Attendance Office at

926-3205 in order for a School Related (SR) absence to be entered in PowerSchool.


*If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Berry at or 926-3213.


Thanks, Mr. Berry

Seniors: Graduation Cap and Gown Orders


A reminder that it is time to order your cap and gown & senior gear. You can order

online at or by mailing your order form to Jostens. If you need an

information packet, students can pick one up at lunch or extras in the Guidance office.

Make sure to place your order by Tuesday, November 24th to ensure there are no delays with your products.


Class Rings: Sophomores


A reminder that it is time to order your custom St. Joe High School class ring. You can

order online at or by mailing your order form to Jostens. If you need an

information packet, students can pick one up at lunch or extras in the Guidance office.

Make sure to place your order by Tuesday, November 24th to receive the FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE promotion and $20.00 off.


Chromebooks have arrived and are available and ready to go.  We have been distributing the

chromebooks to students in the media center over the last few days.  Students have been given the

opportunity to stop in anytime and pick up.  However, now that we are going remote if a student has not

picked up their chromebook yet and would like to do so, we would like to allow students to come in and

pick them up by appointment only.  Please email Mrs. Edlefson at to arrange a

pick up time.  

Meals and Food For Students During Remote Learning: 

Meal pick up is on Monday evenings from 5-6pm for the students that are remote.  Meal pick up

is in the back of the HS off of Lakeview.   Please email Demrhy Youngquist

( to reserve their meal packages.  

Guidance Office News: 

What's New This Week

in COVID-19, Guidance & SEL:

  • In the Self Care  & Wellness page under Warm Fuzzies - link to a YouTube channel for pet lovers and under Self Care Resources a breathing technique to help with sleep!

  • In the Apps to Manage Stress & Anxiety - check out some new apps and a couple short but powerful breathing videos.

  • In the Parent Resources section there is a new website GoNoodle - lots of great ways to get your family up & moving!

Interact Club News:

Interact Club is a Rotary-sponsored service club. Members are committed to making a difference not only in our community, but internationally as well. 

This year so far, our members have in total done over 100 hours of Covid-safe community service!

So far we’ve volunteered at the Krasl Art Center, helped raise money for the Child

Advocacy Center with the Howl-O-Ween Pet Costume, held a Rocky Gap Beach Clean

Up, helped with Rotary Adopt-a-Highway, and helped with the Swing for the Cure event.

Monday November 16th is the last day to turn in membership dues in order to get a t-

shirt and help us fund events.

Upcoming events:

  • The Luminary Festival Clean-up: Friday, November 20th, from 7:45-9pm. This event will take place in downtown Saint Joe.

  • Thanksgiving Cards for the Whitcomb Residents: Please contact Regan Trumbley if you are interested in participating in this event. We will be making Thanksgiving cards to give to the residents of the Whitcomb. Every 4 cards is 1 point, and you can make a maximum of 8 cards. Please drop off cards to Reagan Trumbley (google hangout message Reagan to get her address), or to Mrs. Uzelac’s office.

  • Kindness Day Project: We will be making goody bags for our teachers and staff. Please donate hand sanitizers, candy, and hand-written thank you cards. You may drop them off at Regan Igoe’s house (google hangout message Regan to get her address), or to Mrs. Uzelac’s office. Contact Reagan Igoe with any questions. 

It’s not too late for your child to sign up at ​ 

St. Joseph City Parks and Rec Plan Survey: 

The city is looking for feedback and would appreciate your time in completing the following

survey to help them in their planning process. 

Here’s the link:


Athletic News: 

All Michigan High School Athletic activities have been suspended per the Michigan Department of

Health and Governor Whitmer’s guidelines for Covid safety through Dec. 8th.  


Upcoming Events: 

11/18 - 11/24 - Remote Learning

11/25 - Thanksgiving

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