St. Joseph High School News 10/26/20 - 10/30/20
St. Joseph High School News
10/26/20 - 10/30/20
Drop Off Time and Pick Up Times Reminder:
Parents and students - friendly reminder the doors in the morning do not open until 30 minutes before
school starts (7:15am and 8:15am on late start Wed.), please plan accordingly for Covid safety protocol
reasons and the fact that we do not have appropriate supervision in the building before that. Also, as the
weather begins to change, we don’t want students out in the cold, but we need to make sure students are
out of the building for cleaning purposes and on their way home by 3:10 each day, please make
Your attention to this is required as we continue to provide a safe environment for our students and staff
during this challenging time!
Thank you,
Mr. Blomgren
PSAT Testing:
All 9th-11th grade students will be taking the PSAT on Thurs., 10/29. Students will be assigned to
classrooms based on grade and alphabet by last name. Testing should be finished around 11:15am and
students will go to lunch and then have a modified version of their class schedule in the afternoon.
PSAT Testing: Seniors (REMOTE DAY) 10/29
On Thurs. 10/29, the Seniors will have a remote learning day from home. Our 9th-11th
grade students will be taking the PSAT in the morning at school and we are requiring the
seniors to NOT report for face to face learning that day.
SJHS Virtual students: (PSAT TESTING)
On Thursday, October 29th we will be taking the PSAT at SJHS. Detailed information was sent in our virtual blog that you can find in your email. We look forward to seeing you.
9th graders report to the Fieldhouse @ 7:30am
10th & 11th graders report to the Competition Gym @ 7:30am
Bring #2 pencils, calculator and dress in layers.
Testing should be completed approximately at 11:15am.
AP Registration:
AP Registration & Payment Info
Registration and deposit deadline for students is November 12, 2020
$95 per AP exam, payment made in full at time of order.
If a student orders an exam after November 12, the cost is an additional $40 ($95+40=$135)
To make payment with echeck or credit card: - no service charge this year!
Fee Waiver- If you qualify for a fee waiver, please see Mrs. Wagner. More information on fee waiver qualification:
Academic Letter Awards Information:
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Our plan has changed for the Academic Letter Awards...
Due to the recent spike with COVID, we've decided that we will not call students down to the
Auditorium on November 2 to pass out Academic Letter Awards. Also, there were concerns
with some of the Virtual students that qualified for the Academic Letter and having them come
into the building.
So, here's the revised plan...
1. On the morning of November 2, several front office staff will meet and deliver Academic
Letter Award Packets (Letter, Chevron, Certificate and Program) to all eligible students. Virtual
students may pick up their Award Packet any time after November 2 in the main office.
2. Later that day, a Power Announcement will be sent to Parents & Students with a special
video message from SJPS Foundation President Mr. Sam Abdelnour as well as the following
SJHS administrators: Mr. Greg Blomgrem and Mr. Jim Berry.
Thank you,
Mr. Berry
SJHS Virtual School Blog Link:
LSJ Hockey Information:
Message from LSJ Hockey…
Technically the Ice Box is not allowing a "student section" at this time. I think the kids
are good to attend if they go with a family and don't sit in a big group. We haven't had
any issues with kids coming to watch as long as they sat with a family. I'm hoping this
changes soon. The rinks in St. Joe do not have any restrictions, just that everyone has
to wear a mask upon entry.
Friday Oct 30th LSJ vs Valpo 6:45pm Ice Box
Saturday Oct 31st LSJ vs St. Joe 5:00pm Ice Box
Friday Nov 6th LSJ vs SW Blades 9:00pm Ice Box
Saturday Nov 7th LSJ vs Valpo 5:30pm Ice Box
Friday Nov 13th LSJ vs St. Joe 7:00pm Ice Box
Friday Nov 20th LSJ vs Riley 6:45pm Ice Box
Saturday Nov 21st LSJ vs Penn 5:00pm Ice Box
Sunday Nov 22nd LSJ vs Mattawan 11:30am at The Garden (St. Joseph)
Friday Nov 27th LSJ vs Kalamazoo Eagles 7:30pm The Garden (St. Joseph)
Friday Dec 4th LSJ vs Adams 7:45pm The Ice Box
Saturday Dec 5th LSJ vs Bishop Noll 12:00pm Howard Ice Arena (St. Joseph)
Sunday Dec 6th LSJ vs HSE A 11:00am Howard Ice Arena (St. Joseph)
Friday Dec 18th LSJ vs Kalamazoo United 7:30pm The Garden (St Joseph)
Key Club Blood Drive:
Key Club is hosting a blood drive at Versiti on Thursday, November 12. This is open to the
community. Please consider donating as the need is great. Also, each donor is being tested
for covid antibodies.
Athletic Events:
5:00 Varsity Volleyball @ SMAC Quad hosted by P. Central
5:00 Varsity Volleyball Quad
6:00 Girls Swim vs. Loy Norrix
5:00 Boys Soccer @ Regionals/Vicksburg
4:00 Boys Regional XC @ Portage Central
5:00 Girls Regional XC @ Portage Central
7:00 Varsity Football Playoff Game
11:00 Boys Soccer @ Regional Championship/Vicksburg
Upcoming Events:
10/28 - Wed. - 1 Hr. Late Start
10/29 - Thurs. - PSAT Testing - 9th, 10th, 11th graders
10/29 - Thurs. - Remote Learning Day - SENIORS ONLY