St. Joseph High School News 5/4/20 - 5/8/20
St. Joseph High School News
5/4/20 - 5/8/20
Remote Learning Plan - Week 3
Students and parents!! Make sure you are connecting with your teachers and completing the weekly assignments!! We want to make sure everyone has the option of earning grades/credits for the 2nd semester of this year. Student participation, engagement, and communications are critical during this time!!
I am including the plans once again here in the blog for all students and parents:
Please make sure you look over the plans and if you have any questions do not hesitate to reach
out via email or call us. or 269-926-3204 to my voicemail.
Mr. Blomgren
Bears of the Month:
May Bears of the Month!
Congratulations to Bella Finnigan & Chris Gaikwad for being recognized as our May Bears of the Month at SJHS!
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Check out this awesome video some of our students created at SJHS along with Mrs. Wallace for our teaching staff!!
A message from your students:
Also parents, this might be a great time for a personal homework assignment for you and your student to reach out, send a message, create something to share with a teacher or several. Our teachers really appreciate hearing from our students and parents. It would mean alot to them, especially during this challenging time.
Seniors and Senior Families: (Yard Signs!!!)
We will be hosting a Graduation Yard Sign Pick Up Drive Thru on Wed. this week from 11am-2pm at SJHS Circle Drive by the main entrance of high school. Pull up, we will place a sign in the back of your car or in the trunk. If you cannot make it during this time, please reach out to a senior friend, neighbor with a senior, or family member and we will be happy to distribute to them at pick up. We would like to get all 261 of these passed out and shared throughout our community and in yards by Wed. night. We look forward to waving at all of you and seeing many of you Wed. 11am-2pm!!!
Senior Spotlights:
As a way to celebrate our graduating Seniors. We are having them fill out a quick online google form SJHS Senior Spotlights Google Form!. We are then creating a celebration of 8 or so Seniors each day that are being posted on social media, blogs, and the digital sign at the high school by the football stadium. Check out last weeks spotlights:
Wed. -
Thurs. -
Fri. -
Michigan Spring College Fair:
Promoting the Publics: Michigan Spring College Fair
All 15 Michigan Public Universities have come together to host Promoting the Publics: Michigan Spring College Fair. The fair will take place May 5-7 and we will all be "live" during the following dates and times:
· May 5: 11 a.m. -2 p.m. EDT
· May 6: 2-5 p.m. EDT
· May 7: 5-7 p.m. EDT
Students/families can ask questions and will receive an email with the answer to their question when we respond.
Students, parents, and counselors are able to register for the event. Registration for the fair is live now and can be done at
School of Choice Applications:
Due to the current restrictions related to COVID-19, St. Joseph Public Schools is postponing the School of Choice application period originally scheduled for May 1-22. When some of the restrictions have lifted and people are able to enter our buildings, we will advertise the application window. In the meantime, please continue to check our website as well as our Facebook page for updated information as we plan for the future.
Senior Cap and Gown Distribution:
Please get date and time on you calendar’s Senior and parents.
Guidance Dept. News:
We would like to kick off the month of May by being:
Click on the link below to learn about different ways to improve your mental health. We would like to invite all students to pick an activity and practice it for the entire month to help improve mental health habits. Check out what your counselors & social workers have committed to doing!
Also, don't forget that each Wednesday for the remainder of the school year a Wellness Wednesday activity will occur at 7pm. This week Mrs. Franics will be hosting a Pet Show & Tell, in addition to a pets game. K-12 is invited! Keep an eye out for a link to the google hangout invitation in your itslearning messages.
The COVID-19 Guidance & SEL webpage has also been updated with new resources. COVID-19 Guidance & SEL Webpage
The Guidance Department
Tech Fest:
Enter Tech Fest by Tuesday, May 5!
Breckyn Bussey and Grace Larsen
Breckyn Bussey was crowned Miss Oakland County's Outstanding Teen last July and will also be competing for the title of Miss Michigan's OT. The new Miss Michigan's OT will then go on to compete for the title of Miss America's Outstanding Teen in Orlando, FL in Sept or Oct. (they are trying to figure out a new date).
Breckyn's talent is a jazz acro dance routine.
Breckyn's platform is "Flippin' For Fitness" - promoting the importance of living a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity and healthy eating.
Breckyn is extremely honored to be partnering with the American Heart Association (AHA), the Michigan Fitness Foundation (MFF), and also the Children's Miracle Network (CMN), where she raises funds for the organization. She was invited to participate in the AHA Go Red for Women Campaign and Luncheon in Detroit with Governor Whitmer and has been named one of their Teen Social Media Ambassadors. Most recently, Breckyn was asked to create a workout video for the MFF to be used by the organization to promote the world wide event, ACES Day (All Children Exercise Simultaneously), on May 6th, to schools throughout the state of Michigan. Breckyn also volunteers for the Berrien County Blanket Brigade, the Humane Society of SW MI, and is a Junior Coach for the Girls on the Run program, just to name a few.
Breckyn is currently a Sophomore at SJHS, a competitive dancer with Fusion Center for Dance as well as a SJHS sideline cheerleader, member of the dance team, member of the Student Senate, Spanish Club and Interact Club.
Breckyn is excited to continue working to spread her message throughout the State about encouraging others to make good healthy choices to live their best healthiest lives.
Grace Larsen (freshman) has earned the chance to compete for the Miss Michigan Outstanding Teen title, by winning a qualifying title within the State of Michigan.
Grace Larsen was crowned Miss Shorelines Outstanding Teen in February and will go on to compete in June for the title of Miss Michigan’s Outstanding Teen, a competition that features different phases of competition such as a panel interview, fitness, talent, formal wear and on stage question. Grace is a competitive dancer with Fusion Center for Dance as well as a varsity sideline cheerleader at SJHS.
Grace performed a musical theatre style dance for the qualifying competition, and will do so in June as well.
Each candidate competing for the title must have a platform and hers is “Confidence Through Kindness -- promoting youth volunteerism”. Grace has been volunteering for different organizations throughout her lifetime including most recently assisting in the growth of Ari’s Bears, a non profit organization started by her friend in Baltimore, MD while she was battling Ewing's Sarcoma. Grace believes that when you give back to others you feel good about yourself and she hopes to share this experience, especially with girls in 4th - 7th grade when their self confidence is really being formed. Through partnerships with organizations like The United Way of SW Michigan and Girl Talk, Grace is excited to have an impact on our youth here at home and eventually across the state of Michigan.
Grace is excited to go on and compete in June (pending the safety of doing so), and until then will continue to promote her platform to find ways to get the youth of SW Michigan involved in giving back to our community.
The Miss America’s Outstanding Teen program promotes scholastic achievement, creative accomplishment, healthy living and community involvement for America’s teens and is one of the largest providers of scholarships to women in the world.
Yearbook and Wind-Up News:
How can YOU help the SJHS yearbook and newspaper? Both staffs are continuing to work remotely and are publishing work. They need your help, however. Thank you for your support!
To support the YEARBOOK:
- Reserve a copy of the 2019-2020 yearbook. Our job # is 2940. We’re still producing a book and are still taking orders. As of now, we plan to distribute in the fall of 2020. Orders due by May 29. If you’d like to sponsor a senior who cannot afford a yearbook, contact Joyce Hunter directly:
- Purchase personal ad space in the yearbook. While we typically offer only to senior parents, we’re opening this up to ALL students this year. Consider this a way to get a personal message out to your student that will last a lifetime. Check payments need to be sent to the Business Office. Personal ads due by May 29.
- Submit original pictures. Our job # is 2940. Click on “Upload Photos.” Image must be a high-quality .jpeg image. These are types of pictures we need:
- Senior athletes for spotlight stories
- Alternative prom pictures
- Quarantine activity pictures
- Pictures from club events
- Senior highlights, including ways you’re honoring your senior
To support the THE WIND-UP:
- Visit our website and comment on our stories: We’re working on the traditional “senior issue” and our annual literary magazine: both will be posted to our website instead of printed.
Contact adviser Joyce Hunter for more information:
Senior Exit Survey:
Senior Exit Survey
Senior Exit Survey
Seniors were sent a message on itsLearning last Wednesday asking them to complete the Senior Exit Survey. Please remind your student to do this. The survey is about post secondary plans and for those planning to attend college next year, it is especially important to complete the survey for us to be able to send final transcripts. In addition, the data collected is used to update our School Profile.
Link for survey:
Thanks Guidance Office
Media Center:
A Note from Your School Library/Media Center
We are excited to hear so many of our SJ students have been reading and enjoying the library books they took home with them in March. While we would love to be able to facilitate a book exchange for students to get more reading material, we are not able to do so at this time due to our buildings being closed. Please visit the websites created by our teacher librarians for access to
numerous ebooks and resources. We will be sharing even more possibilities soon. Finally, please encourage your children to keep reading and to contact their teacher librarian for assistance. We are here to help!
Feeding our Bears:
We are feeding our Bears because that is who we are!
Breakfast and lunch will continue to be distributed on Mondays and
Thursdays until June 4th.
Meals will be offered from 11:00AM-12:30PM at the St Joseph High School back entrance off of Lakeview Ave.